Thursday, 11 December 2014

Fourteen leaders in the Grand Palais

Finally Paris! Since its inception ten years ago in London, the "Taste" festival was exported in 21 cities (Sydney, Milan, Dubai, Helsinki ...) and 12 countries. From 21 to 24 May 2015, the concept will pose for the first time his bags in the French capital, in the magnificent Grand Palais (eighth). The principle Fourteen great Parisian chefs (starred or not) prepare for four days, gourmet mini-dishes, served according to his desires.
Among the leaders present: Guy Savoy, Stephanie Quellec (Scene),  Robuchon, Kei Kobayashi (Kei),  Vardon (The 39 V), Pierre Sang Boyer, David Rathgeber (L'Assiette), Jean-Louis Nomicos (Tablets Jean-Louis Nomicos), Romain Meder (Alain Ducasse at the Plaza Athénée) ... Each will present his two or three temporary restaurant dishes, including a signature, for lunch (11:30 am to 16h) or dinner (19h to midnight). Several pass options are available to the public from 25 euros (that qualifies for a maximum of two mini-gastronomic dishes) to 95 euros.
Paris, capital of gastronomy

Operation sponsor with  Robuchon, Alain Ducasse told AFP he attended the debut of "Taste of London", "a great initiative." "There are two or three years we thought that" Taste "would have its place in Paris," added the multi-starred chef, believing that this participation illustrated an "ability to integrate into a global dynamic." "This is an ideal forum to bring our message on the quality and dynamism of French cuisine," said the chief.
"We should not be ashamed to look at operations that have worked elsewhere in the world," but "if it comes to Paris, it can not be a pale copy of what is happening in London, it should be Parisian" Monday said the deputy mayor of Paris in charge of Tourism, Jean Martins, during a presentation to the press operation. "When you have 16 million foreign tourists annually. we have an obligation, it is to continue to invent new events, because the objective is not only to bring people to Paris but to return to the "added the elect, stating that" 38% of foreign visitors say come to Paris for gastronomy. "

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