Thursday, 11 December 2014

18h, the "rush hour" Internet youth

INTERNET  watch less television than their elders, but spend their time online on their smartphone: the digital generation has invented a new way of consuming media.
3:45, the average time spent by the French in front of television per day, but young people aged 13 to 24 years, they do spend a little over 1:30 hrs, according to a study by the Higher Council of audiovisual (CSA).

This does not mean that young people do not know the program by heart ... They simply prefer catching up on TV (replay) or a screen other than the TV, such as a smartphone.

They are also 75% to have one, against one in two French on average. And what does a young when he surfs via phone? It goes on social networks: this is the first use he makes of the smartphone, before sending messages or do research on a search engine. The vast majority of youth (92% against 76% for the 15 and over) is also registered on a social network (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google+, Instagram), and combines the most.

Having a young at home, so this is a more equipped home: almost all young people (97%) live in households with a television, and 96% with a computer and internet access (against 87% for the total population). Half of the homes where lives a young account a tablet and they have almost all (3/4 of them) game console at home against 51% for the entire population.

The day of a young and screens
What looks like the typical day of a young between 13 and 24 years old? The radio in the morning, a little TV for lunch but especially from 18h ... and more and more over the Internet hours.

But young practices are not homogeneous, they differ in their consumption according to age and gender: the radio listeners in the morning are more male and younger (13-17 years) when the public TV at night is more feminine and older (18-24 years).

Internet consumption is widespread and increasing throughout the day, reaching a peak from 18h, a level that remains high up to 23H.

You listen to a lot of music and play many video games? It is likely that you have between 13 and 24 years. Compared to the rest of the population, the share of music and video games in the media consumption is twice the average of the French in general.

The best time to play? It depends on age: 13-17 years especially like the section 18h-20h, while 18-24 year olds prefer late-night playing after 22:30.

This digital generation, also called "Generation Z", greatly upsets practices. Olivier Schrameck, president of CSA, fell Tuesday as well: "The question is whether these uses are strictly generational, or if they foreshadow more broadly what will be broadcasting tomorrow."
+Youth United Press 

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