Thursday, 24 March 2016

24th MARCH and History

24th March, 1989: The Exxon Valdez, a 987-foot oil tanker, ran ashore on a reef and tore openings in its body, spilling raw petroleum into Alaska's Prince William Sound. The Tanker overflowed 200,000 Barrels of Oil or more than 11 million gallons of unrefined petroleum leaving a Five Mile Slick making it one of the biggest and most crushing ecological calamities adrift.
24th March, 1941: Glenn Miller started creation on "Sun Valley Serenade." This would be his first movie for the film organization twentieth Century Fox.
24th March, 1990: News of Comedian Richard Pryor's hospitalization the day preceding opened up to the world. He had endured a mellow heart assault the day preceding and was currently thought to be in great condition. He was relied upon to be discharged the next week. This was by all account not the only time he had well being inconvenience.
24th March, 2008 : A roadside bomb in Iraq executes four U.S. warriors, bringing the U.S. loss of life to 4,000 sice the Invasion of Iraq by US drives a little more than 5 years back.
Pakistan pieces access to YouTube 24th March, 2008 : Pakistan is forestalling access to the YouTube site on account of its substance being hostile to Islam. Its information transfers service has requested Internet administration suppliers to hinder the website until access is allowed. It is said that the Danish kid's shows portraying the Prophet Mohammed were accessible there.

lunar Eclipse 2016 in Karachi

The first #lunar eclipse of 2016 was on 23rd March 2016. it has been viewed in Karachi at 18:54:53. its magnitude was -0.312. the total duration of the eclipse was 4 hours 15 minutes.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

HOLI in Pakistan

Pakistan came into existence on 14th August 1947 and India on 15th August 1947. This was based purely on Religion. Pakistan has Islam and India observes Hinduism and Buddhism as national Religion. Muslims migrated towards Pakistan and Hindus towards India. but, many Muslims were left in India, similarly Hindus in Pakistan.
Holi is the pure and spring festival of Hindus. It is celebrated on a wide range in Nepal and India. Holi is a holiday in both Nepal and India. Hindus takes it as their religious festival and celebrates it with pomp and show.
Pakistan respects all the religions and Pakistanis understands the feelings of followers of every religion on their religious festivals. the holi day has been treated as an optional holiday for last 40-55 years. But, the government of Sindh has announced holi as a public holiday in 2016. so this year 24/03/16 will be observed as a holiday and this is really a good and admiring news for Hindus.
Hindus now can celebrate their festival in Pakistan without taking stress of their jobs and business.


Having white spots or fixes in your throat can be perturbing, particularly on the off chance that you are encountering different side effects. White zones situated in a throat can demonstrate various therapeutic conditions, extending from the advancement of oral yeast to bacterial diseases. Conditions connected with white spots in the mouth or throat ought not to be overlooked, in light of the fact that they can represent a critical risk. See a specialist on the off chance that you have these spots in your throat, especially on the off chance that you additionally have a fever.
The tonsils are tissues situated in the back of your throat. These structures are a piece of your lymphatic framework, which expels poisons from the body. Ordinary tonsils are comparable in shading to your throat, however they can create white zones in the event that you have tonsillitis. Tonsillitis is essentially irritation of the tonsils. They might be swollen and cause various manifestations, including a sore throat, difficult gulping, a solid neck, cerebral pain and a scratchy voice. You might likewise build up a fever. Anti-microbials might be endorsed if your tonsillitis is brought about by a bacterial contamination. Rehashed scenes of the condition might warrant surgery.
Oral thrush is a yeast disease in the mouth, brought on by growth. It usually influences babies, individuals with poor insusceptible capacity and those on specific pharmaceuticals. It causes white patches to frame in the mouth, on the tongue or in the throat. Thrush can spread into the throat in extreme cases. Different indications of thrush are broken mouth corners, splendid red tongue, inconvenience gulping, poor taste sensation and torment. Antifungal drugs are utilized to treat this condition.
Strep throat is an infectious bacterial condition that causes white spots in the throat. This agonizing condition can bring about swollen tonsils with white regions and discharge. Red spots on the top of your mouth or throat can likewise create. Strep throat ordinarily causes extensive agony and makes gulping troublesome. Different indications incorporate high fever and swollen organs under your jaw. Albeit strep throat can resolve all alone, anti-infection agents can speed the recuperating prepare and lessen your danger of spreading the contamination to others.
Mononucleosis is a viral disease that generally influences high schoolers and kids. This condition can bring about sore throat, fever, swollen organs under your jaw and swollen tonsils. You might see white or yellow spots structure in the back of your throat or on your tonsils, and in addition exhaustion, languor, diminished voracity, rash and summed up hurting torment all through your body. Treatment incorporates mitigating and torment soothing drugs, for example, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and acetaminophen (Tylenol) to diminish body throbs, fever and sore throat. Side effects of mononucleosis can keep going for a while.
Oral leukoplakia is a condition that depicts white spots in the mouth created by incessant skin aggravation. This condition happens all the more normally with tobacco use. In few cases, oral leukoplakia might get to be harmful. White spots from this condition might resolve if the wellspring of aggravation is evacuated, however direct to serious cases might require surgery.
White spots in your throat are not generally because of disease. They might likewise create from post-nasal dribble, dry air or in light of hypersensitivities.

See your specialist for an exact finding and treatment directions in the event that you have white spots in your throat.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

18h, the "rush hour" Internet youth

INTERNET  watch less television than their elders, but spend their time online on their smartphone: the digital generation has invented a new way of consuming media.
3:45, the average time spent by the French in front of television per day, but young people aged 13 to 24 years, they do spend a little over 1:30 hrs, according to a study by the Higher Council of audiovisual (CSA).

This does not mean that young people do not know the program by heart ... They simply prefer catching up on TV (replay) or a screen other than the TV, such as a smartphone.

They are also 75% to have one, against one in two French on average. And what does a young when he surfs via phone? It goes on social networks: this is the first use he makes of the smartphone, before sending messages or do research on a search engine. The vast majority of youth (92% against 76% for the 15 and over) is also registered on a social network (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google+, Instagram), and combines the most.

Having a young at home, so this is a more equipped home: almost all young people (97%) live in households with a television, and 96% with a computer and internet access (against 87% for the total population). Half of the homes where lives a young account a tablet and they have almost all (3/4 of them) game console at home against 51% for the entire population.

The day of a young and screens
What looks like the typical day of a young between 13 and 24 years old? The radio in the morning, a little TV for lunch but especially from 18h ... and more and more over the Internet hours.

But young practices are not homogeneous, they differ in their consumption according to age and gender: the radio listeners in the morning are more male and younger (13-17 years) when the public TV at night is more feminine and older (18-24 years).

Internet consumption is widespread and increasing throughout the day, reaching a peak from 18h, a level that remains high up to 23H.

You listen to a lot of music and play many video games? It is likely that you have between 13 and 24 years. Compared to the rest of the population, the share of music and video games in the media consumption is twice the average of the French in general.

The best time to play? It depends on age: 13-17 years especially like the section 18h-20h, while 18-24 year olds prefer late-night playing after 22:30.

This digital generation, also called "Generation Z", greatly upsets practices. Olivier Schrameck, president of CSA, fell Tuesday as well: "The question is whether these uses are strictly generational, or if they foreshadow more broadly what will be broadcasting tomorrow."
+Youth United Press 

Fourteen leaders in the Grand Palais

Finally Paris! Since its inception ten years ago in London, the "Taste" festival was exported in 21 cities (Sydney, Milan, Dubai, Helsinki ...) and 12 countries. From 21 to 24 May 2015, the concept will pose for the first time his bags in the French capital, in the magnificent Grand Palais (eighth). The principle Fourteen great Parisian chefs (starred or not) prepare for four days, gourmet mini-dishes, served according to his desires.
Among the leaders present: Guy Savoy, Stephanie Quellec (Scene),  Robuchon, Kei Kobayashi (Kei),  Vardon (The 39 V), Pierre Sang Boyer, David Rathgeber (L'Assiette), Jean-Louis Nomicos (Tablets Jean-Louis Nomicos), Romain Meder (Alain Ducasse at the Plaza Athénée) ... Each will present his two or three temporary restaurant dishes, including a signature, for lunch (11:30 am to 16h) or dinner (19h to midnight). Several pass options are available to the public from 25 euros (that qualifies for a maximum of two mini-gastronomic dishes) to 95 euros.
Paris, capital of gastronomy

Operation sponsor with  Robuchon, Alain Ducasse told AFP he attended the debut of "Taste of London", "a great initiative." "There are two or three years we thought that" Taste "would have its place in Paris," added the multi-starred chef, believing that this participation illustrated an "ability to integrate into a global dynamic." "This is an ideal forum to bring our message on the quality and dynamism of French cuisine," said the chief.
"We should not be ashamed to look at operations that have worked elsewhere in the world," but "if it comes to Paris, it can not be a pale copy of what is happening in London, it should be Parisian" Monday said the deputy mayor of Paris in charge of Tourism, Jean Martins, during a presentation to the press operation. "When you have 16 million foreign tourists annually. we have an obligation, it is to continue to invent new events, because the objective is not only to bring people to Paris but to return to the "added the elect, stating that" 38% of foreign visitors say come to Paris for gastronomy. "

Assad confident with Russian diplomacy

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said today support the efforts of its Russian ally, who claimed to be in contact with the United States on its draft negotiations between regime and opposition.

"Russia has always been on the side of the Syrian people and has demonstrated its support for the right to decide their destiny. It respects the sovereignty of States and international laws," he said while receiving in Damascus Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov.

Quoted by the official SANA news agency, Assad said his country "responded positively to efforts by Russia to find a solution to the crisis," confident that "all Russian diplomatic actions will be based on these principles ".dropoff window

Moscow seeks to bring the regime and the various opposition groups to engage without prior negotiations with the aim of ending the war ravaging Syria for nearly four years and killed more than 200,000 people.

According to the Russian news agency RIA Novosti, the Russian deputy foreign minister said after his meeting with Bashar al-Assad "to be in contact with our American partners." "We offered the Syrians to come to Moscow and discuss policy options for resolving the Syrian crisis," he said. "If there is a desire to meet the Syrians (Americans) in Moscow, we will discuss this issue with the United States."

In a statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that special attention was given "the consolidation of efforts in the fight against (the organization) Islamic state and against other terrorist groups, as well as the rapid achievement of a political settlement of the Syrian crisis. "
+RUSSIAN News Edition [RU - RUS] +Ольга Юдина