Sunday, 7 December 2014


Heroes of the chemical revolution and a victim of the French Revolution

 the contrast in the fate of Antoine Lavoisier, guillotined in 1794 during the Terror, is striking. If he was defeated as a general farmer, he is a winner in the field of chemistry. After him, his followers will continue this chemistry that defines the body by nature and proportion of their constituents. In laying the foundations of analytical chemistry, Lavoisier paves the way for the chemical industry will flourish in the nineteenth century, especially in Germany.
After his death comes a cult around Lavoisier, making it the founding hero of chemistry, but also of physiology and agronomy ... His admirers are sometimes excessive: "Chemistry is a French science, it was made by Lavoisier , of immortal memory, "said the Alsatian chemist Adolphe Wurtz (1817-1884). "If Lavoisier is the author of the chemical revolution, it can not be considered the founder of modern chemistry. Chemistry becomes a science taught before him. What he mostly did was formalize an already emerging trend: focus any chemistry on the analysis, "says Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent, historian of chemistry at the University of Paris I Sorbonne.

radical change

Before Lavoisier, substances are designated and defined by their place of origin or their medical uses. Moreover, in the eighteenth century, chemistry wasessentially an auxiliary science of medicine or pharmacy.
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